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Set Up Lead Booking

Learn how to set up lead booking to lock in your leads and win more jobs.

Mike Bempah avatar
Written by Mike Bempah
Updated over a week ago

Skip to Availability if you've already set up the basics:

Company, Team, & Availability:

Business information, hours, and formats

  • Go to: Settings > My Company to set up the basics like your business name, contact information, location, logos, and hours. 

  • Click your name in the top right corner > select My Account to add your contact information to receive email and SMS notifications later. 

Team members and permissions 

  • Go to: People > Staff to add admins, managers, and staff to your mHelpDesk account. Later you can assign appointments to them right from the Lead Booking calendar. 

  • Under People > Teams you'll see a Lead Booking team with your account admin as the only member. You can update team members, but this should be the person or people responsible for assigning appointments (note: the Lead Booking form does not use the availability of members on this team - this will be configured through Online Booking Settings.)

  • Permissions: Staff permissions can be configured by role under the widget on the right hand side. 


  • To set availability for bookable staff members go to: Settings > Automation > Online Booking. **Any staff marked available under Online Booking will impact availability on the lead form. Be sure office admins or other non-field techs are marked as unavailable every day**

  • (Skip step 1) Follow Step 2 to set up availability for each staff member. These hours will determine availability shown on the Lead Booking form. Click and drag on the sample calendar for each staff member. 

  • Add HA your profile link and customize the confirmation message 

Notifications & Scheduling:


  • To view and customize notifications click: Settings > Other > Notifications. Scroll to the bottom to find Lead Booking Notification Settings. All notifications are on by default, but you can turn them off by clicking the check box. (We suggest keeping automated updates on to help you stay connected with you leads from start to finish!)  

  • Customize your email and SMS templates by clicking "customize email" or "customize text message" under each template. 

  • Your first touch email (New Lead is Received): Add an appointment request form link to your initial email by using the _Lead.SchedulingLink_ (This has already been added to your first SMS. 😊)


  • Go to Scheduling > Staff Selection drawer to preview your new “Lead Booking” team alongside staff schedules in your mHelpDesk calendar.

  • The account Admin is auto-assigned to the team to manage assigning appointments.

  • NOTE: This “team” is a holding area for appointments requested through the form before a staff member is assigned. The form does not include availability for the members of this team. Availability is configured under “Online Booking” settings.  

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