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New Design Enhancements for Estimates and Invoices (Web App)
New Design Enhancements for Estimates and Invoices (Web App)

Improving the design and functionality of the Estimate and Invoice Lists and Edit screens

Mike Bempah avatar
Written by Mike Bempah
Updated over a week ago

We've updated the way the Estimate and Invoice pages and edit screens look and function to enhance your everyday use of mHelpDesk. Here's an overview of what you'll now see and be able to do.

Updated Buttons on Estimate and Invoice Pages

We’ve moved important action buttons from the left hand-side to the right hand of the pages across our Estimates and Invoices. 

  • Add Item button 

  • Add File button 

You'll now also see a Pencil icon. Click this to edit any item or file. Previously you clicked the name of item or file.

New Edit Screen for Estimates (also available on Invoices): 

We've also changed the buttons to Email, Download and Print an Estimate to icons and moved it to the right.

On our list screens, you'll now see the following on the right hand side of the page: 

  • Add Estimate button 

  • Filter drop down 

  • Pagination 

New List Screen for Estimates (also available on Invoices): 

Note: You'll see these same designs across our Invoice Edit and List Screens. 

Updates to Estimate and Invoice Lists

We've improved the design of our Estimate and Invoice Lists. Here's what you'll notice first: 

  1. The ability to expand rows to access Billing and Job information quickly and easily (just click the caret on any Estimate or Invoice). 

  2. A key at the bottom of the page for our icons and their meanings. 

  3. An improved total section that gives you the total dollar value for the selection of transactions you've made from the list.

New Estimate Edit List (also available on Invoices): 

Additionally, we've simplified the design of our status quick filters on our Estimate and Invoice Lists, but they still function the same. For Estimates, filter by Draft, Sent, Approved and Rejected. 

New Design for Status Quick Filters on Estimates (also available on Invoices)

We've also added the ability to sort Estimate and Invoice numbers by text or number. 

New Sort Feature on Invoices (also available on Estimates): 

Updates Specific to the Estimate Screen 

In addition to the changes above, we've also introduced the ability to upload multiple files to an estimate at one time.

Just click the Add File button as you did previously and select the files or photos you'd like to attach to an estimate. You'll see the screen below, which shows the files you've selected and hit Save when you're ready.

After selecting multiple attachments, you can easily share them with your customers with the ‘Share' toggle and even add a caption to the files by clicking the 'Pencil' icon.

Updates Specific to the Invoice List 

We've streamlined the way you combine invoices. Simply follow the steps below to combine your invoices: 

  1. Select the Invoices you want from your list using the checkbox

  2. Click the ‘Actions’ button 

  3. Click ‘Combine Invoices’

You'll then see the following screen, which will explain any selections that do or do not meet the criteria to combine the invoices. 

Note: This new way to combine invoices is only currently available from the Invoice List and not from the Customer profile.

Updated Design of Combined Invoices 

Finally, we've improved and updated the design of our Combined Invoices to match our new Estimate and Invoice pages. 

With this new design, you'll be able to: 

  • Easily understand which items and invoices make up a newly Combined Invoice

  • Edit items from invoices that have been combined (Note: they can't be deleted) 

  • With our new Uncombine button, you'll be able to separate combined invoices to get access to the original invoices, which will then enable you to add or remove items specific to those invoices 

Have any questions? Click the little blue chat icon in the bottom right of the screen and click 'See previous' and find Ian. He'll be happy to reach out and help!

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